Benhur Ortiz Jaramillo, UGent
Bjorn Barz, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Brian Booth, University of Antwerp
Christian Reimers, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Clemens Brust, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Dries Hulens, KU Leuven
Enrique Sanchez Lozano, University of Nottingham
Feng Chen, University of Nottingham
Isma Hadji, York University
Jie Chen, University of Oulu
Joachim Denzler, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Kristof Van Beeck, KU Leuven
Lei Shi, University of Antwerp
Ljubomir Jovanov, UGent
Martin Kampel, Vienna University of Technology
Miguel Bordallo Lopez, University of Oulu
Mohammad Malekzadeh, Queen Mary University of London
Nikola Banic, University of Zagreb
Roxane Licandro, Medical University of Vienna, TU Wien
Sebastian Zambanini, TU Wien
Steve Vanlanduit, University of Antwerp
Tamas Suveges, University of Dundee
Thorsten Falk, University Of Freiburg
Timothy Callemein, KU Leuven
Tomislav Petkovic, University of Zagreb
Ulrich Schwanecke, Hoghschule RheinMain
Violeta Teodora Trifunov, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Wiebe Van Ranst, KU Leuven
Xiaohua Huang, University of Oulu
Xiatian Zhu, Queen Mary University of London
Xin Liu, University of Oulu
The organizing committee would like to thank all members of the program committee for the work they invest in assuring that our AMV2018 workshop achieves a high-quality standard!